Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon – part 1

Mosterd na de maaltijd – mustard after the meal. It’s a Dutch saying that is just perfect for today’s blogpost about last weekend’s Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon in Amsterdam. I had planned on going to the opening last Wednesday but alas, something suddenly came up and I couldn’t make it.  For…

Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon – part 1

Mosterd na de maaltijd – mustard after the meal. It’s a Dutch saying that is just perfect for today’s blogpost about last weekend’s Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon in Amsterdam. I had planned on going to the opening last Wednesday but alas, something suddenly came up and I couldn’t make it.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon, it’s an extension of the excellent Gevonden op Marktplaats blog by art director Julien Rademaker (who by the way is now also a curator at, but that’s another story). Basically, it’s a collection of the very, very best stuff found on Dutch second hand trading website – which is my number one destination whenever I’m looking for something vintage. As you can see, Julien is quite the stylist. Everything was just right. And so even I’m writing this blogpost after the meal, so to speak, I can only say it was delicious. My compliments to the chef!

PS: Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow!

Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon

Persian rug and white vintage table /// More on
Hollywood Regency palm tree lamp /// More on
Eighties retro vases at the Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon /// More on
Hollywood Regency brass table /// More on
White Afghan hound statue at the Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon /// More on
Kitsch pillar at the Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon /// More on
Vintage cabinet at the Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon /// More on
Ceramic panther statue /// More on
A giant black foot at the Gevonden op Marktplaats Salon /// More on

For more vintage interior design inspiration by Julien Rademaker, head over to this blogpost about the Gevonden op Marktplaats Wintersalon.