Omicron, Schmomicron – I’m going to OBJECT Rotterdam 2022!

Why, oh why, oh why, can’t the world go back to normal? I am in AGONY, tossing and turning in bed, wondering whether this year’s edition of OBJECT Rotterdam will actually happen. The latest news is that yes, it actually is. But then again, who would have thunk last year that…

Omicron, Schmomicron – I’m going to OBJECT Rotterdam 2022!

Why, oh why, oh why, can’t the world go back to normal? I am in AGONY, tossing and turning in bed, wondering whether this year’s edition of OBJECT Rotterdam will actually happen. The latest news is that yes, it actually is. But then again, who would have thunk last year that we’d be sitting here in a total lockdown for more than a month now. So, I guess it’s anyone’s guess. Sigh. It’s all so depressing. On top of that, it’s Dry January and it’s raining cats and dogs. And don’t even get me started on Blue Monday, URGH. But then again, as Shirley MacLaine once sung…I got through all of last year and I’m heeeeeeeeeere!

Of course, it’s not 11 February 2022 yet (welp) and so for now, I’m going to leave you with the photos I took during last year’s edition. Hope you enjoy them!

UPDATE 13 JANUARY 2022: OBJECT Rotterdam has been postponed and will now be held from 19 – 22 May.

For an interview with OBJECT Rotterdam’s curator Anne van der Zwaag, click right here.

OBJECT Rotterdam 2021: A Look Back

HAKA Rotterdam

This is the iconic HAKA building in the western part of Rotterdam – and 2021 was definitely, finally, absolutely the last time OBJECT Rotterdam was supposed to be held there. Until it wasn’t.

Object Rotterdam 2021 Anne van der Zwaag

Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful? Curator Anne van der Zwaag was kind enough to strike a pose when I ran into her at OBJECT Rotterdam.

Adrianus Kundert at Object Rotterdam 2021

Adrianus Kundert had the best seat in the house – his caps were the first thing everyone saw as they entered the fair.

Iwan Pol Object Rotterdam 2021

He didn’t sing Culture Club’s I’ll tumble 4 A for me as he turned his brand-new Tumblers for me, which was a bit of let down. That being said, Iwan Pol definitely made an impression on everyone who witnessed new compositions magically appear as he turned the frames. A surprisingly simple idea executed perfectly.

Kranen Gille Object Rotterdam 2021

Wouldn’t you know it? It’s Kranen & Gille sitting on their new Isabella garden bench.

Kranen Gille Object Rotterdam 2021

Kranen & Gille recently designed a beautiful new collection of carpets for Monasch by Best Wool. It’s called Elements and was almost based on the four elements until they convinced Monasch to go for something a little less clichéd. Top row: Night on Earth, Stretched Heat, Air on Strings. Poolside Gossip is the blue carpet underneath. Well done, gents!

Diederik Schneemann chandelier perfume bottles

How Diederik Schneemann managed to get his Essence chandelier from his nearby studio to the HAKA building is anyone’s guess – but let me tell you, I’m impressed!

Maria Chair with yellow balls

I spent some time chatting with the designer of the Maria Chair by Van Vrienden. It’s so much fun to meet the designers in real life at OBJECT Rotterdam!

Arthur Etienne at OBJECT Rotterdam 2021

Didn’t see Arthur Etienne, I’m afraid and so I couldn’t ask him about his braided strings of plastic. Looks interesting, though!

Aptum by Ontwerpduo

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who loved, loved, loved this interactive lamp by Ontwerpduo for Aptum Lighting because it was sold right at the beginning of the fair. Ka-ching!

Aptum by Ontwerpduo

More work by Ontwerpduo for Aptum Lighting. It was virtually impossible to catch the colors with my camera, which is why you’re better off checking out the beautiful Contour collection on their website.

Rollo de Courcy Bryant

With an incredibly cool name like Rollo de Courcy Bryant, you can basically design anything and it would still be hip and happening. Luckily for Rollo, he actually has talent. Lots of talent!

Simone Post at Object Rotterdam 2021

Oh look, it’s Simone Post! Fun fact: I interviewed her for my book once.

Simone Post
Simone Post

Some of Simone’s most recent work – pretty awesome if you ask me!

Pien Post
Pien Post

Is Pien Post related to Simone Post? I guess I’ll have to ask her next time I see her. For now, let me leave you with the photos of the work she showed at OBJECT Rotterdam 2021.

Jule Cats Laura Schurink
Jule Cats Laura Schurink
Jule Cats Laura Schurink

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably heard that I started working for Catawiki a while ago as Category Lead Antiques. It’s a fantastic job, but it doesn’t mean that I’ve lost my love for contemporary design. These works by Jule Cats and Laura Schurink are classics in the making, if you ask me.

Inge Simonis

A deservedly very proud Inge Simonis posing next to her series of ceramic lamps.

Rop van Mierlo Wild Animals

When I was at OBJECT Rotterdam, I ran into Julien Rademaker. He’s the guy behind the erstwhile blog Gevonden of Marktplaats that should SO make a comeback but that’s another story. Anyway, Julien practically forced me to take a look at Wild Animals by Rop van Mierlo. I’m glad he did!

Bas Kosters at Object Rotterdam 2021

These beautiful glass cones were designed by the very talented allround nice guy Bas Kosters.

Boris van Berkum
Boris van Berkum

Fun fact: Boris van Berkum is happily married with the ex of my ex. It’s a small world after all! Boris and I share a fascination for everything Suriname – except he’s been there and I haven’t. Oh well.

Tara-Eva Kuijpers Wentink

Imagine having to say: ‘Hi, my name is Tara-Eva Kuijpers Wentink!‘ every time you introduce yourself. Such a mouthful! There’s no denying though her work is pretty amazing.

Kukka at Object Rotterdam 2021

Kukka is a design studio I frankly hadn’t heard of before, but there you have it. They design textiles and patterns with a focus on experimental colors and materials. Love it!

Knitwear Lab

Ever wonder where I got the cute bucket hat in my Instagram profile pic? Well, wonder no more! I bought it from Knitwear Lab when I was at OBJECT Rotterdam.

Object Rotterdam 2021
Studio Noun
Studio Noun

Let’s go out with a bang! These works by Sandra Keja Planken of Studio Noun were definitely, positively, totally, absolutely AWESOME. So there!