Svinging by Svenskt Tenn in ten minutes tops

What if you only have one and a half hour of free time in Stockholm? Well, you sving by Svenskt Tenn before you do anything else! At least, that’s what I decided to do after an exciting press trip to the Hästens factory and flagship store had come to an end….

Svinging by Svenskt Tenn in ten minutes tops

What if you only have one and a half hour of free time in Stockholm? Well, you sving by Svenskt Tenn before you do anything else! At least, that’s what I decided to do after an exciting press trip to the Hästens factory and flagship store had come to an end. Some of my fellow interior design writers had decided to join me and we had a marvelous time during our impromptu tour of the Swedish capital. And after a rollercoaster of a year that didn’t leave me much time to update this blog, I felt happy to be finally back on top of things. I am also very proud to tell you that I resisted all temptation and did not buy a single thing at Svenskt Tenn. No Aralia cushion, no Gröna Fågler tray – not even a Svenskt Tenn coloring book for my nephews. Nope, I kept my hand firmly on my wallet and instead whipped out my camera to spend ten minutes taking these photo’s just for you. And as you can see, I wasn’t wrong when I wrote a couple of years ago that Svenskt Tenn is Swedish Grannies on Acid. All those Josef Frank patterns still look totally amazing after all those years – not everything has to be the latest of the latest in order to look good. So there.

You can find Svenskt Tenn on Strandvägen 5 in Stockholm. Don’t forget to check out the fancy Tesalong on the top floor. And in case you’re wondering…Tesalong means Tea Salon in Swedish!

Svinging by Svenskt Tenn in ten minutes

Svenskt Tenn

Confession time: I’m planning on retiring to Spain in about two decades from now, and I’m already fantasizing about having this *exact* interior. Hihi.

Svenskt Tenn

You can see where IKEA get their inspiration from, right?

Svenskt Tenn

This setup looks lush AF.

Svenskt Tenn

That orange throw pillow is the ultimate finishing touch.

Svenskt Tenn

Note to self: orange and lilac look great together.

Svenskt Tenn

Did you know that when I came back home, I actually looked up this book and bought it online for 5 euros?

Svenskt Tenn

Poof loves pouffe!

Svenskt Tenn

I have a thing for life-size ceramic dogs in case you didn’t know.

Svenskt Tenn

So chic! Such a shame I hate cooking.