Via Antica – The Brussels vintage design store that made me go —> HOT DAMN!
For years and years and years, I used to go to Brussels and come back disillusioned. Where was the nice part of town? How come I didn’t find any cool vintage shops? I’m lucky to report that those years are OVAH because on a recent trip to the capital of Belgium…

For years and years and years, I used to go to Brussels and come back disillusioned. Where was the nice part of town? How come I didn’t find any cool vintage shops? I’m lucky to report that those years are OVAH because on a recent trip to the capital of Belgium I discovered Blaesstraat – or Rue Blaes if you prefer the French version of the street that has it all. More vintage shops that you can shake a stick at, a flea market at one end and no doubt something cool at the other end as well but who gives a shit because I ended up at Via Antica.
Now if you work at Via Antica and wondered who that bald Dutch guy with the round glasses was who screamed HOT DAMN at the top of his lungs a few months ago, I can now reveal that it was yours truly. I must have spent a good hour and a half exploring each floor like a Roomba with a camera.

Of course, all the classics were there – including the ubiquitous Eames Lounge chair. Loving the cognac leather, what about you?

That painting looks effin’ amazing doesn’t it? Can you imagine having it in your living room? I know I can!

Brass pinapple lamps. They’re kind of over, don’t you think? Still, if you want one, here it is!

Oh look, it’s another pinapple lamp. Hmmm. I have to say I prefer that white elephant a lot better. Why on earth didn’t I buy it? Oh I know, I was broke at the time.

Stores like Via Antica can be a bit of a mess sometimes, but once you’re able to look through it, there are some truly great items to be found – like that chandelier!

This brass plant object lamp thing is probably a Maison something or other. And look at that round copper thing behind it – is it time yet for a copper comeback?

A closer look at the brass chandelier. Cool combo with the fluorescent tube now that I think of it.

Call off the dogs – I’ve found just the perfect vintage glass screen if that’s your thang.

So much to see in this photo that I don’t even know where the hell to begin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Orangen’t you in love with that orange wall? And is that a dolphin on the credenza?

A Mid-Century modern credenza with an antique print. Neon tubes in various colors. A black leather sofa – it’s all stylish as F.

Arrrrr! This brass Hollywood Regency ship is definitely the perfect gift for a particularly prissy pirate.

I’ll take them – as soon as I’m no longer broke!

What drug do you think the painter was high on when he made this? I’m not sure I want to know.

If you do a Google Images search for ‘interior porn’, I’m sure something like this will come up.

That goldleaf screen with the pelican lamps….MELT!

This dining room set is straight out of La Cage aux Folles and I want it bad.

How many Wampa’s do you guess did they have to kill for this ultracool dining room set?

This is the first time in human history that lime actually looks good in an interior. What an accomplishment!