Art Rotterdam 2020 – 10 artworks I look forward to seeing IRL

Remember that scene in Manhattan where Woody Allen and Diane Keaton meet each other at the MoMa and keep disagreeing over which works they liked? Art is terribly subjective, which is why you’re probably not always going to agree with this listicle with the ten works at Art Rotterdam 2020 I’m most…

Art Rotterdam 2020 – 10 artworks I look forward to seeing IRL

Remember that scene in Manhattan where Woody Allen and Diane Keaton meet each other at the MoMa and keep disagreeing over which works they liked? Art is terribly subjective, which is why you’re probably not always going to agree with this listicle with the ten works at Art Rotterdam 2020 I’m most looking forward to. And you know what? That’s perfectly okay! After all, there will be literally thousands of paintings, sculptures and photographs on display from dozens of galleries from all over the world. The cool thing is that you can see them all on the excellent Gallery Viewer website. You can even create your own profile and make a selection of all the artworks you like. In fact, I did just that this morning and now I’m late for the gym. Grrrr!

Art Rotterdam 2020 – These are the ten artworks I’m most looking forward to seeing IRL

1 – The Leaker by Ryan Mendoza

Ryan Mendoza The Leaker

Why this work by Ryan Mendoza is called The leaker is anyone’s guess – but I’m sure I’ll be able to find out the answer at Art Rotterdam. Judging from his website, Ryan Mendoza looks like an interesting guy, so I’m hoping he’s going to be there. Fingers crossed!

2 – Diablicos Sucios by Charles Fréger

Charles Freger Diablicos Sucios

Dirty devils – that’s what diablicos sucios translates at. They’re part of the annual Corpus Christi celebration in Panama, which is a fun fact I’m sure you didn’t know. Anyway, don’t you just love this photo Charles Léger took there? It’s part of an entire series called Cimarron that is equally weird and colorful. If you like this sort of thing by the way, check out the photos I took at the Carnaval dos Caretos in northern Portugal a few years ago.

3 – Office 1 by Juliane Hundertmark

Juliane Hundertmark

Ever since I started dabbling in art myself, I’ve always wanted to paint a nice interior. After all, there are so many people on Instagram now who post photo after photo of every nook and cranny of their living room. Enough! Juliane Hundertmark beat me to it and added some scary monsters to this fascinating painting.

4 – Cache-pot souche basaltique jaune sablé au cœur by Cécile Bichon

Cecile Bichon Cache-pot souche basaltique jaune sablé au cœur
Cecile Bichon Cache-pot souche basaltique jaune sablé au cœur

This stunning decorative planter by Cécile Bichon would look lovely with that Juliane Hundertmark painting, don’t you think? At € 275, It’s also a lot more affordable than you’d think – so what’s keeping you from picking it up when you’re at Art Rotterdam?

5 – Waaier by Sigrid Calon

Sigrid Calon Waaier

Definitely a fan of this fan by Sigrid Calon! I can’t really make out from the photo if you can hang it on your wall, but who cares about pesky details when it has all these pretty colors and nice patterns, right?

6 – Zonder Titel #470 by Ditty Ketting

Ditty Ketting Zonder Titel #470

Speaking of pretty colors and nice patterns, what about this latest work by Ditty Ketting? As you may have guessed, La Ketting is my favorite artist ever. I got to interview her a few years ago at her Rotterdam studio and let me tell you, this woman knows color. BTW, if you find the asking price too high, be sure to contact the Rotterdam art library Kunstuitleen Rotterdam. They have a nice selection of works by Ditty Ketting that you can rent quite cheaply.

7 – Flower Bomb by Stefan Gross

Stefan Gross Flower Bomb

I’ve loved Stefan Gross’ work ever since I saw it at Masterly in Milan. I’ll run out and buy this Flower Bomb the moment I win the lottery this month. Promised.

8 – Fugitive by Joana Schneider

Joana Schneider Fugitive

Fugitives are HOT in the art world right now. Okay, let me rephrase that. I saw several pieces on the Gallery Viewer website about fugitives. No wonder – it’s a subject that’s on everyone’s mind. I’ve been a fan of Joana Schneider ever since I saw her fluorescent rugs at Dutch Design Week. After that, her work has only become better.

9 – Untitled by Popel Coumou

Popel Coumou

I wish I could include a link to Popel Coumou’s website, but for some reasons it keeps going to one of those annoying ‘You may have the chance to have the opportunity to perhaps maybe be eligible to win an iPhone’ sites. In any case, don’t you just love his work? Or is Popel a girl’s name?

10 – Legacy by Esiri Erheriene-Essi

Essiri Erheriene-Essi

This family portrait by Essiri Erheriene-Essi makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And sometimes that’s all you need from an artwork.