Object Rotterdam, Art Rotterdam and a Motley Crew

I’m a bit of a rush today, but that is not going to keep me from sharing with you this one tip: if you’re into art, design and all things visual, come to Rotterdam this weekend! There’s so much going on here at the moment with Object Rotterdam, Art Rotterdam and A Motley…

Object Rotterdam, Art Rotterdam and a Motley Crew

I’m a bit of a rush today, but that is not going to keep me from sharing with you this one tip: if you’re into art, design and all things visual, come to Rotterdam this weekend! There’s so much going on here at the moment with Object Rotterdam, Art Rotterdam and A Motley Crew.

Object Rotterdam 2020

I’ve been to – and blogged about – Object Rotterdam since 2014. And every year I come home and think to myself, this was my favorite edition so far! Well, surprise, surprise…2020 was no different, my best friend Ingrid and I wholeheartedly agreed. Seven floors filled from top to bottom with the best that Dutch Design has to offer – all lovingly curated by the one and only Anne van der Zwaag. Ingrid in I also kept running into people we’ve either worked with, interviewed or had in one of our classes. We loved sharing our thoughts with each other as we took in everything we saw. Sometimes we agreed, sometimes we didn’t. In any case, here are some of my favorites.

Patrick Kooiman and Ingrid Robers

Ingrid and I going over all the great design we’d seen earlier in the evening.

Bas Kosters at Object Rotterdam 2020

Bas Kosters

Victor de Bie at Object Rotterdam 2020

Victor de Bie

Splitter Splatter at Object Rotterdam 2020

Splitter Splatter

Lenneke Wispelwey at Object Rotterdam 2020

Lenneke Wispelwey

Moe Kim Textile Studio at Object Rotterdam 2020

Moe Kim Textile Studio

Pleunie Buyink at Object Rotterdam 2020

Pleunie Buyink

Badmenton at Object Rotterdam 2020

Badmenton Design

The Soft World at Object Rotterdam 2020

The Soft World

Night Shop at Object Rotterdam 2020


Aptum Lighting at Object Rotterdam 2020

Aptum Lighting

Art Rotterdam 2020

Where does design end and art begin? You tell me! In any case, here are some of the artworks that particularly caught my eye at Art Rotterdam 2020. As you may have guessed from the photos I shared from Object Rotterdam, I like things that are either a) colorful, b) figurative or c) patterns. I’m easy! I was also mesmerized by Sarah and Charles at the CitizenM Projections section. Such a disturbing and hilarious video! Take your time to check it out when you’re at Art Rotterdam.

In The Hands Of Puppets (snipit) from Sarah & Charles on Vimeo.

Daniel Mullen at Art Rotterdam 2020

Daniel Mullen

Raphael Barontini at Art Rotterdam 2020

Raphaël Barontini

Nuweland at Art Rotterdam 2020


Charlotte Schleifert at Art Rotterdam 2020

Charlotte Schleiffert

Madison Bycroft at Art Rotterdam 2020

Madison Bycroft

Dennis Munoz Espadina at Art Rotterdam 2020

Dennis Muñoz Espadiña

Joana Schneider at Art Rotterdam 2020

Joana Schneider

Koen Taselaar

Koen Taselaar

Sigrid Calon at Art Rotterdam 2020

Sigrid Calon

A Motley Crew